Force constants calculation with random displacements of atoms#
Random displacements and corresponding forces in supercells can be employed as a displacement-force dataset for computing force constants. This requires an external force constants calculator, e.g., symfc or ALM. Here, examples are presented with using symfc that can be installed via pip or conda easily.
Generation of random directional displacements#
The option --rd NUM
is used instead of -d
in generating displacements as follows:
% phono3py --rd 100 --dim 2 2 2 --pa auto -c POSCAR-unitcell
means the number of supercells with random directional displacements. This
must be specified, and the initial guess may be from around the number of
supercells generated for the systematic displacements by -d
. In the case of the
example, 146 supercells are generated with -d
, so similar
number --rd 100
was chosen here.
If random directional displacements for fc2 are expected, --rd-fc2
have to be specified:
% phono3py --rd 100 --dim 2 2 2 --rd-fc2 2 --dim-fc2 4 4 4 --pa auto -c POSCAR-unitcell
where --dim
is necessary but --rd
is not.
and optionally FORCES_FC2
, which contains forces corresponding to
displacements, can be created by
% phono3py --cf3 vasprun_xmls/vasprun-00{001..100}.xml
Here it is assumed that the forces were calculated by VASP, and the output files
) are stored in vasprun_xmls
directory after renaming. When
running this command, phono3py_disp.yaml
is automatically read. For the
different file name, e.g. phono3py_disp_rd.yaml
, it is specified with -c
% phono3py -c phono3py_disp_rd.yaml --cf3 vasprun_xmls/vasprun-00{001..100}.xml
is created similarly, e.g., from the VASP output stored as
% phono3py --cf2 vasprun_xmls/vasprun-ph000{1,2}.xml
Create phono3py_params.yaml
Instead of creating FORCES_FC3
, more convenient data file to
store displacement-force dataset is created by --sp
% phono3py --cf3 vasprun_xmls/vasprun-00{001..100}.xml --cf2 vasprun_xmls/vasprun-ph0000{1,2}.xml --sp
The advantage to employ phono3py_params.yaml
is that this file can contain all
the information required to run phono3py such as crystal structure, supercell
information, displacements, forces, and parameters for non-analytical term
correction. This file is immediately usable for phono3py-load
command (phono3py-load command).
Calculation of force constants#
If phono3py_disp.yaml
is located in current directory, force constants are
calculated from FORCES_FC3
(and optionally FORCES_FC2
) and
% phono3py-load --symfc -v
% phono3py-load phono3py_params.yaml --symfc -v
Similarly, it is performed by also using phono3py
% phono3py --symfc -v
or with phono3py_params.yaml
% phono3py -c phono3py_params.yaml --symfc -v
Cutoff pair-distance for fc3 calculation#
The number of supercells required for calculating fc3 depends on crystal
structure, crystal symmetry, and supercell size. For larger supercells, the
number can be very large. In addition, the required computational time and
memory space can also become large. In such case, it may be good to consider
introducing cutoff distance for pairs of atoms. It is performed by
option as
% phono3py-load --symfc -v --fc-calc-opt "cutoff=8"
The shortcut of --fc-calc-opt "cutoff=8"
is --cutoff-pair 8
The convergence of fc3 has to be checked. With the same input of displacement-force dataset, calculated force constants gradually converge by increasing cutoff pair-distance. The convergence may be checked by lattice thermal conductivity, but it may depend on quantity that is expected to be calculated.