Source code for spgrep_modulation.modulation

"""Modulation class."""

from __future__ import annotations

from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from phonopy.harmonic.dynamical_matrix import DynamicalMatrix, DynamicalMatrixNAC
from phonopy.phonon.degeneracy import degenerate_sets, get_eigenvectors
from phonopy.structure.atoms import PhonopyAtoms
from phonopy.structure.cells import (
from phonopy.structure.symmetry import Symmetry
from phonopy.units import VaspToTHz

from spgrep_modulation.irreps import (
from spgrep_modulation.isotropy import IsotropyEnumerator
from spgrep_modulation.utils import (

[docs] class Modulation: """Generate modulated cells based on dynamical matrix of phonon.""" def __init__( self, primitive_symmetry: Symmetry, supercell: Supercell, dynamical_matrix: DynamicalMatrix | DynamicalMatrixNAC, qpoint: NDArrayFloat, nac_q_direction: NDArrayFloat | None = None, factor: float = VaspToTHz, degeneracy_tolerance: float = 1e-4, seed: int = 0, ) -> None: """Generate modulated cells based on dynamical matrix of phonon. Parameters ---------- primitive_symmetry: phonopy.structure.symmetry.Symmetry phonopy's Symmetry object for primitive cell supercell: phonopy.structure.cells.Supercell phonopy's supercell object to apply modulation dynamical_matrix: phonopy.harmonic.dynamical_matrix.DynamicalMatrix phonopy's dynamical matrix object qpoint: array, (3, ) nac_q_direction: Used to calculate dynamical matrix around Gamma point if specified factor: float Unit conversion degeneracy_tolerance: float Absolute tolerance to groupby phonon frequencies in ``factor`` unit seed: int Seed value for sampling modulation from degenerated modes """ # Check to be commensurate if not np.allclose(np.remainder(supercell.supercell_matrix.T @ qpoint, 1), 0): warn(f"Given qpoint={qpoint} is not commensurate with supercell.") self._qpoint = qpoint self._primitive_symmetry = primitive_symmetry rotations = primitive_symmetry.symmetry_operations["rotations"] translations = primitive_symmetry.symmetry_operations["translations"] if not is_primitive_cell(rotations): raise RuntimeError("Set primitive cell.") self._supercell = supercell self._dynamical_matrix = dynamical_matrix self._nac_q_direction = nac_q_direction self._factor = factor self._degeneracy_tolerance = degeneracy_tolerance self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed) self._supercell_size = np.abs(np.around(np.linalg.det(self._supercell.supercell_matrix))) # Diagonalize dynamical matrix if not performed yet eigvals, _ = get_eigenvectors( qpoint, self._dynamical_matrix, ddm=None, # Not used perturbation=None, derivative_order=None, nac_q_direction=self._nac_q_direction, ) # Group eigenvecs by frequencies self._eigenspaces, mapping_little_group = self._group_eigenspaces(eigvals) # Little group self._little_rotations = rotations[mapping_little_group] self._little_translations = translations[mapping_little_group] def _group_eigenspaces(self, eigvals): # Construct irreps with `qpoint` rep = get_eigenmode_representation(self.primitive, self.primitive_symmetry, self.qpoint) all_basis, irreps, mapping_little_group = project_eigenmode_representation( rep, self.primitive, self.primitive_symmetry, self.qpoint, atol=self.degeneracy_tolerance, ) # Modified dynamical matrix mdm = get_modified_dynamical_matrix( self.dynamical_matrix.dynamical_matrix, self.primitive.scaled_positions, self.qpoint ) eigenspaces = [] num_atoms = len(self.primitive) phase = np.exp( 2j * np.pi *, self.qpoint) ) # (num_atoms, ) for list_basis, irrep in zip(all_basis, irreps): # Block-diagonalize modified dynamical matrix list_modified_basis = [basis * phase[None, :, None] for basis in list_basis] F_irrep = np.concatenate( [mb.reshape(-1, num_atoms * 3) for mb in list_modified_basis] ).T # (num_atoms * 3, len(list_basis) * dim_irrep) mdm_irrep = ( np.conj(F_irrep.T) @ mdm @ F_irrep ) # (len(list_basis) * dim_irrep, len(list_basis) * dim_irrep) if not np.allclose(mdm_irrep, np.conj(mdm_irrep).T): warn("Block-diagonalized modified dynamical matrix is not Hermitian.") eigvals_irrep, eigvecs_irrep = np.linalg.eigh(mdm_irrep) # Group by eigenvalues frequencies_irrep = self.eigvals_to_frequencies(eigvals_irrep) cutoff = self.degeneracy_tolerance max_groupby_degeneracy_trials = 8 for _ in range(max_groupby_degeneracy_trials): # TODO: binary search for choosing cutoff value deg_sets_irrep = degenerate_sets(frequencies_irrep, cutoff=cutoff) if len(deg_sets_irrep) < len(list_basis): cutoff /= 10 # Tighten tolerance elif len(deg_sets_irrep) == len(list_basis): break if len(deg_sets_irrep) != len(list_basis): warn( f"If no accidental degeneracy happens, number of unique eigenvalues corresponding to an irrep ({len(list_basis)}) should be equal to degeneracy of the irrep ({len(deg_sets_irrep)})." ) dim_irrep = irrep.shape[1] for indices in deg_sets_irrep: # If no accidental degeneracy happens, deg_eigval == dim_irrep, len(deg_sets_irrep) == len(list_basis) deg_eigval = len(indices) if (not np.any(np.isclose(eigvals, eigvals_irrep[indices[0]]))) or ( deg_eigval != dim_irrep ): warn(f"Inconsistent eigenvalue: {eigvals_irrep[indices[0]]}, {eigvals}") space = np.array( [eigvecs_irrep[:, idx] for idx in indices] ) # (deg_eigval=dim_irrep, len(list_basis) * dim_irrep) # QR decomposition of column-wise vectors gives Gram-Schmidt orthonormalized vectors in column wise. space = qr_unique(space.T)[0].T # Go back eigenvectors with phonopy's convention space_phonopy = np.einsum( "k,kmp,ip->ikm", np.conj(phase), F_irrep.reshape(num_atoms, 3, len(list_basis) * dim_irrep), space, optimize="greedy", ) # (deg_eigval=dim_irrep, num_atoms, 3) # Representation matrix irrep_eigmodes = np.einsum( "nsq,kqp,msp->knm", np.conj(space).reshape(deg_eigval, len(list_basis), dim_irrep), irrep, # (little_order, dim_irrep, dim_irrep) space.reshape(deg_eigval, len(list_basis), dim_irrep), optimize="greedy", ) # (little_order, dim_irrep, dim_irrep) eigenspaces.append((eigvals_irrep[indices[0]], space_phonopy, irrep_eigmodes)) # Sort by eigenvalue for regression test sorted_eigenspaces = sorted(eigenspaces, key=lambda e: e[0]) return sorted_eigenspaces, mapping_little_group @property def dynamical_matrix(self) -> DynamicalMatrix | DynamicalMatrixNAC: """Return Phonopy's dynamical matrix.""" return self._dynamical_matrix @property def primitive_symmetry(self) -> Symmetry: """Return Phonopy's symmetry for primitive cell.""" return self._primitive_symmetry @property def little_rotations(self) -> NDArrayInt: """Return rotations of little group at ``qpoint``.""" return self._little_rotations @property def little_translations(self) -> NDArrayFloat: """Return translations of little group at ``qpoint``.""" return self._little_translations @property def primitive(self) -> Primitive: """Return Phonopy's primitive cell.""" return self._dynamical_matrix.primitive @property def supercell(self) -> Supercell: """Return Phonopy's supercell without modulations.""" return self._supercell @property def qpoint(self) -> NDArrayFloat: """Return qpoint.""" return self._qpoint @property def unit_conversion_factor(self) -> float: """Return unit conversion for frequencies.""" return self._factor @property def degeneracy_tolerance(self) -> float: """Return absolute tolerance to detect degenerated bands.""" return self._degeneracy_tolerance @property def eigenspaces(self) -> list[tuple[float, NDArrayComplex, NDArrayComplex]]: r"""Return list of ``(eigenvalue, degenerated eigenvectors, irrep formed by the eigenvectors)`` of dynamical matrix. ``frequency_index`` is the index of ``eigenspaces``. Each ``frequency_index`` corresponds to a eigenvalue of the dynamical matrix, :math:`\omega_{\alpha s}^{2}`. Here, :math:`\alpha` specifies irrep up to unitary equivalence and :math:`s` distinguishes the irrep among equivalent irreps. ``eigenspaces[frequency_index]`` is a tuple with * ``eigenvalue``: float, eigenvalue of the dynamical matrix :math:`\omega_{\alpha s}^{2}` * ``eigenvectors``: array, (dim, num_atoms, 3), ``eigenvectors[lambda, kappa, :]`` is an eigenvector :math:`\mathbf{e}(\kappa; \mathbf{q}\alpha s \lambda)`. * ``irrep``: array, (little_order, dim, dim), representation matrices of the irrep :math:`\tilde{\Gamma}^{\mathbf{q}\alpha s}` """ return self._eigenspaces
[docs] def get_modulated_supercell_and_modulation( self, frequency_index: int, amplitudes: list[float], arguments: list[float], return_cell: bool = True, ) -> tuple[PhonopyAtoms, NDArrayComplex] | NDArrayComplex: """Return modulated cell and modulation with given amplitudes and arguments. Parameters ---------- frequency_index: int Index of considered eigenmodes in ``Modulation.eigenspaces``. See :func:`Modulation.eigenspaces`. amplitudes: list[float], (dim, ) arguments: list[float], (dim, ) in radian return_cell: bool = True """ # Adapted from phonopy _, eigvecs, _ = self.eigenspaces[frequency_index] # Generate modulation modulation = np.zeros((len(self.supercell), 3), dtype=np.complex128) for eigvec, amplitude, argument in zip(eigvecs, amplitudes, arguments): modulation += self._get_displacements(eigvec.reshape(-1, 3), amplitude, argument) if return_cell: cell = self.apply_modulation_to_supercell(modulation) return cell, modulation else: return modulation
[docs] def get_modulated_supercells( self, frequency_index: int, maximal_displacement: float = 0.11, max_size: int = 1, ) -> list[PhonopyAtoms]: """Return modulated cells with randomly sampled arguments. Parameters ---------- frequency_index: int Index of considered eigenmodes in ``Modulation.eigenspaces``. See :func:`Modulation.eigenspaces`. maximal_displacement: int Amplitude of modulation is chosen so that the maximal displacement in returned modulation is equal to ``maximal_displacement``. Same unit as ``Modulation.primitive.cell``. max_size: int Number of returned modulated structures when degenerated eigenmodes are specified. Returns ------- cells: list of PhonopyAtoms """ _, eigvecs, _ = self.eigenspaces[frequency_index] degeneracy = len(eigvecs) modulations = [] if degeneracy == 1: modulation = self.get_modulated_supercell_and_modulation( frequency_index, amplitudes=[1.0], arguments=[0.0], return_cell=False ) modulations.append(modulation) elif degeneracy > 1: points = np.zeros((max_size, 2 * degeneracy)) # One of order parameters can be chosen as pure real because of unitary arbitrariness of eigenvectors points[:, :-1] = sample_on_unit_sphere(self._rng, 2 * degeneracy - 1, size=max_size) order_params = points.reshape(max_size, degeneracy, 2) order_params = order_params[:, :, 0] + order_params[:, :, 1] * 1.0j amplitudes = np.abs(order_params) arguments = np.angle(order_params) for amp, arg in zip(amplitudes, arguments): modulation = self.get_modulated_supercell_and_modulation( frequency_index, amp, arg, return_cell=False ) modulations.append(modulation) cells = [] for modulation in modulations: # Scale modulation to so that its maximal displacement is equal to ``maximal_displacement`` scaled_modulation = maximal_displacement / np.max(np.abs(modulation)) * modulation cell = self.apply_modulation_to_supercell(scaled_modulation) cells.append(cell) return cells
[docs] def get_high_symmetry_modulated_supercells( self, frequency_index: int, maximal_displacement: float = 0.11, ) -> list[PhonopyAtoms]: """Return modulated cells corresponding to one-dimensional order-parameter directions of an isotropy subgroup. Parameters ---------- frequency_index: int Index of considered eigenmodes in ``Modulation.eigenspaces``. See :func:`Modulation.eigenspaces`. maximal_displacement: int Amplitude of modulation is chosen so that the maximal displacement in returned modulation is equal to ``maximal_displacement``. Same unit as ``Modulation.primitive.cell``. Returns ------- cells: list of PhonopyAtoms """ _, _, irrep = self.eigenspaces[frequency_index] ie = IsotropyEnumerator( self.little_rotations, self.little_translations, self.qpoint, irrep, ) cells = [] # Choose isotropy subgroups with one-dimensional order-parameter directions for opd in ie.order_parameter_directions: if len(opd) > 1: continue amplitudes = np.abs(opd)[0] arguments = np.angle(opd)[0] modulation = self.get_modulated_supercell_and_modulation( frequency_index, amplitudes, arguments, return_cell=False ) scaled_modulation = maximal_displacement / np.max(np.abs(modulation)) * modulation cell = self.apply_modulation_to_supercell(scaled_modulation) cells.append(cell) return cells
[docs] def eigvals_to_frequencies(self, eigvals: NDArrayComplex) -> NDArrayFloat: """Convert eigenvalue to frequency.""" # Adapted from phonopy e = np.array(eigvals).real return np.sqrt(np.abs(e)) * np.sign(e) * self._factor
def _get_displacements( self, reshaped_eigvec: NDArrayComplex, # (primitive, 3) amplitude: float, argument: float, # in radian ) -> NDArrayComplex: # Adapted from phonopy m = self._supercell.masses s2uu_map = [self._supercell.u2u_map[x] for x in self._supercell.s2u_map] spos = self._supercell.scaled_positions dim = self._supercell.supercell_matrix coeffs = np.exp(2j * np.pi *, dim.T), self._qpoint)) / np.sqrt(m) # Change denominator from phonopy's modulation: len(m) -> self._supercell_size # to adapt equation in the formulation page. u = reshaped_eigvec[s2uu_map, :] * coeffs[:, None] / np.sqrt(self._supercell_size) # Omit calibration of phase in phonopy's modulation for now u *= amplitude * np.exp(1j * argument) return u
[docs] def apply_modulation_to_supercell(self, modulation: NDArrayComplex) -> PhonopyAtoms: """Apply modulation to supercell.""" lattice = self.supercell.cell positions = self.supercell.positions positions += np.real(modulation) / 2 scaled_positions =, np.linalg.inv(lattice)) scaled_positions = np.remainder(scaled_positions, 1) cell = self.supercell.copy() cell.scaled_positions = scaled_positions return cell