Source code for spgrep_modulation.isotropy

"""Isotropy subgroup of space group."""

from __future__ import annotations

from fractions import Fraction
from itertools import product
from queue import Queue

import numpy as np
from hsnf import row_style_hermite_normal_form, smith_normal_form
from hsnf.integer_system import solve_integer_linear_system
from import get_cayley_table, get_identity_index, get_inverse_index
from spgrep.utils import grassmann_distance, is_integer_array

from spgrep_modulation.utils import (

[docs] class IsotropyEnumerator: """Enumerate isotropy subgroups of given little group and small representation.""" def __init__( self, little_rotations: NDArrayInt, little_translations: NDArrayFloat, qpoint: NDArrayFloat, small_rep: NDArrayComplex, max_denominator: int = 100, atol: float = 1e-6, ) -> None: """Initialize class. Parameters ---------- little_rotations: array[int], (order, 3, 3) Rotation parts of a little group little_translations: array, (order, 3) Translation parts of a little group qpoint: array, (3, ) Reciprocal point small_rep: array, (order, dim, dim) Small representation of space group at ``qpoint`` max_denominator: int, default=100 Maximal value to infer denominators of ``qpoint`` atol: float, default=1e-6 Absolute tolerance to avoid numerical noise """ self._little_rotations = np.array(little_rotations) self._little_translations = np.array(little_translations) - np.rint(little_translations) self._qpoint = np.array(qpoint) self._small_rep = small_rep self._max_denominator = max_denominator self._atol = atol self._maximal_isotropy_subgroups, self._order_parameter_directions = self._initialize() @property def little_rotations(self) -> NDArrayInt: """Return rotations of little group at ``qpoint``.""" return self._little_rotations @property def little_translations(self) -> NDArrayFloat: """Return translations of little group at ``qpoint``.""" return self._little_translations @property def qpoint(self) -> NDArrayFloat: """Return qpoint.""" return self._qpoint @property def small_rep(self) -> NDArrayComplex: """Return small representation of space group.""" return self._small_rep @property def maximal_isotropy_subgroups(self) -> list[list[int]]: """Return list of indices for isotropy subgroups. Let ``subgroup = self.maximal_isotropy_subgroups[i]``. ``(self.little_rotations[subgroup], self.little_translations[subgroup])`` gives a coset of the ``i``-th isotropy subgroup. """ return self._maximal_isotropy_subgroups @property def order_parameter_directions(self) -> list[NDArrayComplex]: """Return order-parameter directions of isotropy subgroups. Let ``opd = self.order_parameter_directions[i]``, which is an array with ``(num_direction, dim)``. ``num_direction`` is the number of free parameters for the ``i``-th isotropy subgroup. ``dim`` is dimension of the given small representation. """ return self._order_parameter_directions def _initialize(self): transformation = get_translational_subgroup(self.qpoint, self._max_denominator) assert is_integer_array(transformation @ self.qpoint, atol=self._atol) # Point group operations that preserve translational subgroup of isotropy subgroup preserve_sublattice = [False for _ in range(len(self.little_rotations))] for i, R in enumerate(self.little_rotations): RM = np.linalg.inv(transformation) @ R @ transformation if is_integer_array(RM, atol=self._atol): preserve_sublattice[i] = True table = get_cayley_table(self.little_rotations) point_subgroup_indices = enumerate_point_subgroup(table, preserve_sublattice) isotropy_subgroups = [] order_parameter_directions = [] for indices in point_subgroup_indices: if not search_compliment( self.little_rotations, self.little_translations, indices, transformation, table ): continue directions = self._determine_order_parameter_directions(indices) if len(directions) == 0: continue # Group by subspace spanned by order-parameter directions found = False for i, other in enumerate(order_parameter_directions): if (len(other) == len(directions)) and grassmann_distance(other, directions) < 0.5: isotropy_subgroups[i].append(indices) found = True break if not found: order_parameter_directions.append(directions) isotropy_subgroups.append([indices]) # Choose largest isotropy with the same order-parameter directions (subduction criterion) maximal_isotropy_subgroups = [] for subgroups in isotropy_subgroups: idx = np.argmax([len(subgroup) for subgroup in subgroups]) maximal_isotropy_subgroups.append(subgroups[idx]) return maximal_isotropy_subgroups, order_parameter_directions def _determine_order_parameter_directions( self, isotropy_subgroup: list[int] ) -> list[NDArrayComplex]: """Determine order-parameter directions of given isotropy subgroup. Returns ------- directions: (num_directions, small_rep_dim) """ # Projection to identity representation will also work, but the problem # is that identity representation of small representations is not obvious... subduced_rep = self.small_rep[isotropy_subgroup] reynolds = np.sum(subduced_rep, axis=0) / len(isotropy_subgroup) eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(reynolds) # Symmetry-adapted basises correspond to eigenvectors with eigenvalue=1 basis = [ eigvec for eigval, eigvec in zip(eigvals, eigvecs.T) if np.isclose(eigval, 1, atol=self._atol) ] if len(basis) == 0: return [] # QR decomposition of column-wise vectors gives Gram-Schmidt orthonormalized vectors in column wise. # (num_directions, len(isotropy_subgroup)) directions = np.linalg.qr(np.transpose(basis))[0].T return np.array(directions).reshape(-1, self.small_rep.shape[1])
[docs] def get_translational_subgroup(qpoint: list[float] | NDArrayFloat, max_denominator: int = 100): """Return transformation matrix of the following sublattice. Let ``t`` be a lattice point of the returned sublattice. Then, ``, qpoint)`` is integer. Parameters ---------- qpoint: array, (3, ) Reciprocal point max_denominator: int, default=100 Maximal value to infer denominators of ``qpoint`` Returns ------- transformation: array, (3, 3) ``transformation @ qpoint`` is integer vector. """ if isinstance(qpoint, list): qpoint = np.array(qpoint) if np.allclose(qpoint, 0): # GAMMA point return np.diag([1, 1, 1]) # Basis vectors of a sublattice formed by translation that preserve order parameter elements = [Fraction(qi).limit_denominator(max_denominator).denominator for qi in qpoint] lcm = lcm_on_list(elements) numerators = np.around(qpoint * lcm).astype(int) g = gcd_on_list(numerators) A = np.array([num // g for num in numerators])[None, :] # Now, GCD(A) = 1 # Solve `A @ t = lcm` # Since GCD of A is 1, this integer linear system always has a special solution. basis_and_special = solve_integer_linear_system(A, np.array([lcm])) # transformation @ mathbb{Z}^{3} forms sublattice transformation, _ = row_style_hermite_normal_form(np.vstack(basis_and_special)) if np.linalg.det(transformation) < 0: transformation[0, :] *= -1 return transformation
[docs] def enumerate_point_subgroup( table: NDArrayInt, preserve_sublattice: list[bool], return_conjugacy_class: bool = True ) -> list[list[int]]: """Enumerate conjugacy subgroups of point group. Parameters ---------- table: array[int], (order, order) Multiplication table of group preserve_sublattice: list[bool] Specify ``preserve_sublattice[i] = True`` if the ``i``-th operation preserves translational subgroup of isotropy subgroup return_conjugacy_class: bool, default=True If true, return representatives of conjugacy classes. Returns ------- subgroups: list[list[int]] """ order = len(table) identity = get_identity_index(table) # Represent choice of elements by bit array st = {1 << identity} for i in range(order): if (not preserve_sublattice[i]) or (i == identity): continue if (1 << i) in st: # Already visited continue next_st = set() for bits in st: elements = _decode_bits(bits, order) assert _is_subgroup(elements, table) generated = traverse(elements + [i], identity, table) next_st.add(sum(1 << idx for idx in set(generated))) st = st.union(next_st) if not return_conjugacy_class: subgroups = [] for bits in sorted(st): subgroups.append(_decode_bits(bits, order)) return subgroups # Group by conjugacy classes found = set() ret = [] for bits in sorted(st): if bits in found: continue elements = _decode_bits(bits, order) ret.append(elements) for i in range(order): if not preserve_sublattice[i]: continue inv = get_inverse_index(table, i) conj = [table[inv, table[idx, i]] for idx in elements] found.add(sum(1 << idx for idx in set(conj))) assert len(found) == len(st) return ret
def enumerate_point_subgroup_naive(table, preserve_sublattice: list[bool]): """Enumerate conjugacy subgroups of point group in brute force.""" order = len(table) ret = [] for bits in range(1, 1 << order): elements = _decode_bits(bits, order) if not all([preserve_sublattice[idx] for idx in elements]): continue if _is_subgroup(elements, table): ret.append(bits) return ret def _decode_bits(bits: int, order: int) -> list[int]: elements = [idx for idx in range(order) if (bits >> idx) & 1 == 1] return elements def _is_subgroup(elements: list[int], table: NDArrayInt) -> bool: subtable = table[elements][:, elements] for i in range(len(subtable)): if (set(subtable[i]) != set(elements)) or (set(subtable[:, i]) != set(elements)): return False return True def traverse( generators: list[int], identity: int, table: NDArrayInt, ) -> list[int]: """Traverse group elements from generators.""" subgroup = set() que = Queue() # type: ignore que.put(identity) while not que.empty(): g = que.get() if g in subgroup: continue subgroup.add(g) for h in generators: que.put(table[g, h]) return sorted(list(subgroup))
[docs] def search_compliment( rotations, translations, indices: list[int], transformation: NDArrayInt, table: NDArrayInt, atol: float = 1e-6, ) -> bool: """Return true if some adjusted translations enable given point group and translational subgroup correspond to a space group.""" # Search generators identity = get_identity_index(table) generators = _search_generators(indices, identity, table) # Lattice points in sublattice formed by `transformation` # See snf, L, R = smith_normal_form(transformation) # snf = L @ transformation @ R invariant_factors = tuple(snf.diagonal()) points = [] for factor in product(*[range(f) for f in invariant_factors]): point = np.linalg.inv(L) @ np.array(factor) points.append(np.around(point).astype(int)) Minv = np.linalg.inv(transformation) for trials in product(points, repeat=len(generators)): adjusted_translations = [None for _ in translations] adjusted_translations[identity] = np.array([0, 0, 0]) for g, trial in zip(generators, trials): adjusted_translations[g] = translations[g] + trial # Determine adjusted translations during traversal subgroup: set = set() # type: ignore que = Queue() # type: ignore que.put((identity, adjusted_translations[identity])) while not que.empty(): g, trns = que.get() if g in subgroup: continue subgroup.add(g) if adjusted_translations[g] is None: adjusted_translations[g] = trns for h in generators: trns_gh = rotations[g] @ adjusted_translations[h] + adjusted_translations[g] que.put((table[g, h], trns_gh)) # Check consistency ok = True for g in indices: if not is_integer_array(adjusted_translations[g] - translations[g]): ok = False break if not ok: continue for g, h in product(indices, repeat=2): gh = table[g, h] additional = ( rotations[g] @ adjusted_translations[h] + adjusted_translations[g] - adjusted_translations[gh] ) if not is_integer_array(Minv @ additional, atol=atol): ok = False break if ok: return True return False
def _search_generators(indices: list[int], identity: int, table: NDArrayInt) -> list[int]: generators = [] for i in indices: if i == identity: continue generators.append(i) subgroup = traverse(generators, identity, table) if len(subgroup) == len(indices): break return generators