Welcome to phono3py#
This software calculates phonon-phonon interaction and related properties using the supercell approach. For example, the following physical values are obtained:
Cumulative lattice thermal conductivity and related properties
Imaginary and real parts of self energy (Phonon lifetime/linewidth)
Built-in interfaces for VASP, QE (pw), CRYSTAL, TURBOMOLE, and Abinit (see Interfaces to calculators).
API is prepared to operate phono3py from Python (example).
Papers that may introduce phono3py:
Theoretical background is summarized in this paper: PRB.91.094306 (arxiv 1501.00691).
Introduction to phono3py application: JPSJ.92.012001 (open access), and phono3py inputs for 103 compounds found in Fig.17 atztogo/phonondb
Implementation of phono3py: JPCM.35.353001 (open access)
Mailing list#
For questions, bug reports, and comments, please visit following mailing list:
Message body including attached files has to be smaller than 300 KB.
BSD-3-Clause (New BSD)
Atsushi Togo, National Institute for Materials Science
Phono3py development is supported by:
National Institute for Materials Science