, and velph-tmpl.toml
are located in the current directory.
Initial POSCAR-unitcell
Pb Te
6.4000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 6.4000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 6.4000000000000000
Pb Te
4 4
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000
kspacing = 0.2
kspacing_dense = 0.1
max_num_atoms = 100
encut = 400
ncore = 4
kpar = 2
pe = "mpi* 48"
pe = "mpi* 144"
scheduler_name = "sge"
job_name = "PbTe"
mpirun_command = "mpirun"
vasp_binary = "/usr/local/vasp/bin/vasp_std"
pe = "vienna 32"
prepend_text = '''
source /opt/intel/oneapi/
append_text = ""
PAW_PBE Pb 08Apr2002
PAW_PBE Te 08Apr2002
% velph init POSCAR-unitcell relax --template-toml velph-tmpl.toml
Read crystal structure file "POSCAR-unitcell".
Read velph template file "velph-tmpl.toml".
Following options were found in "velph-tmpl.toml":
kspacing = "0.2"
kspacing_dense = "0.1"
max_num_atoms = "100"
The command options were prefered to [init.options] in "velph-tmpl.toml".
Found a primitive cell whose transformation matrix is
[ 0.000 0.500 0.500]
[ 0.500 0.000 0.500]
[ 0.500 0.500 0.000]
Supercell is generated with respect to the cell below.
- [ 6.400000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ] # a
- [ 0.000000000000000, 6.400000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ] # b
- [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 6.400000000000000 ] # c
- symbol: Pb # 1
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Pb # 2
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Pb # 3
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Pb # 4
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Te # 5
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
- symbol: Te # 6
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
- symbol: Te # 7
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
- symbol: Te # 8
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
[vasp.incar] (basic INCAR settings)
ismear = 0
sigma = 0.01
ediff = 1e-08
encut = 400
prec = accurate
lreal = False
lwave = False
lcharg = False
ncore = 4
supercell_dimension: [2 2 2]
[vasp.*.kpoints.mesh] (*kspacing=0.2)
selfenergy: [9 9 9]*
transport: [9 9 9]*
el_bands: [9 9 9]*
phonopy: [2 2 2]*
phono3py: [2 2 2]*
phelel: [2 2 2]*
relax: [5 5 5]*
nac: [9 9 9]*
[vasp.*.kpoints_dense.mesh] (*kspacing_dense=0.1)
selfenergy: [17 17 17]*
transport: [17 17 17]*
el_bands: [17 17 17]*
Created new folder "relax".
Initial settings were written to "relax/velph.toml".
Found "POTCAR".
PAW_PBE Pb 08Apr2002
PAW_PBE Te 08Apr2002
Max ENMAX in "POTCAR" is 174.982.
"POTCAR" was copied to "relax/POTCAR".
A directory relax
is created and velph.toml
is stored in it.
version = "0.8.2"
supercell_dimension = [2, 2, 2]
amplitude = 0.03
diagonal = false
plusminus = true
fft_mesh = [30, 30, 30]
# ...
cell = "unitcell"
ediffg = -1e-06
ibrion = 2
isif = 3
nsw = 10
ismear = 0
sigma = 0.01
ediff = 1e-08
encut = 400
prec = "accurate"
lreal = false
lwave = false
lcharg = false
ncore = 4
mesh = [5, 5, 5]
# ...
scheduler_name = "sge"
job_name = "PbTe"
mpirun_command = "mpirun"
vasp_binary = "/usr/local/vasp/bin/vasp_std"
pe = "vienna 32"
prepend_text = "source /opt/intel/oneapi/\n"
append_text = ""
spacegroup_type = "Fm-3m"
tolerance = 1e-05
primitive_matrix = [
[ 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ],
[ 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ],
[ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ],
lattice = [
[ 6.400000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ], # a
[ 0.000000000000000, 6.400000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ], # b
[ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 6.400000000000000 ], # c
[[unitcell.points]] # 1
symbol = "Pb"
coordinates = [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
[[unitcell.points]] # 2
symbol = "Pb"
coordinates = [ 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
[[unitcell.points]] # 3
symbol = "Pb"
coordinates = [ 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
[[unitcell.points]] # 4
symbol = "Pb"
coordinates = [ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
[[unitcell.points]] # 5
symbol = "Te"
coordinates = [ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
[[unitcell.points]] # 6
symbol = "Te"
coordinates = [ 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
[[unitcell.points]] # 7
symbol = "Te"
coordinates = [ 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
[[unitcell.points]] # 8
symbol = "Te"
coordinates = [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
lattice = [
[ 0.000000000000000, 3.200000000000000, 3.200000000000000 ], # a
[ 3.200000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 3.200000000000000 ], # b
[ 3.200000000000000, 3.200000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ], # c
[[primitive_cell.points]] # 1
symbol = "Pb"
coordinates = [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
[[primitive_cell.points]] # 2
symbol = "Te"
coordinates = [ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
Change directory to relax
% velph relax generate
VASP input files were made in "relax/iter1".
% cd relax/iter1 && qsub && cd ../..
% velph relax generate
"relax/iter1" exists.
"relax/iter1/CONTCAR" will be as new "POSCAR".
VASP input files were made in "relax/iter2".
Structure optimizations (iter1, iter2, …) may be repeated until stress becomes less than a target value, e.g., 0.1kB (0.01GPa). Then, go back to the top directory and start supercell calculation.
% velph init --template-toml velph-tmpl.toml `ls relax/relax/iter*/CONTCAR|tail -n 1` calc
Read crystal structure file "relax/relax/iter2/CONTCAR".
Read velph template file "velph-tmpl.toml".
Following options were found in "velph-tmpl.toml":
kspacing = "0.2"
kspacing_dense = "0.1"
max_num_atoms = "100"
The command options were prefered to [init.options] in "velph-tmpl.toml".
Found a primitive cell whose transformation matrix is
[ 0.000 0.500 0.500]
[ 0.500 0.000 0.500]
[ 0.500 0.500 0.000]
Supercell is generated with respect to the cell below.
- [ 6.440595899259139, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ] # a
- [ -0.000000000000000, 6.440595899259139, 0.000000000000000 ] # b
- [ -0.000000000000000, -0.000000000000000, 6.440595899259139 ] # c
- symbol: Pb # 1
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Pb # 2
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Pb # 3
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Pb # 4
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 207.200000
- symbol: Te # 5
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
- symbol: Te # 6
coordinates: [ 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
- symbol: Te # 7
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000, 0.000000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
- symbol: Te # 8
coordinates: [ 0.000000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 0.500000000000000 ]
mass: 127.600000
[vasp.incar] (basic INCAR settings)
ismear = 0
sigma = 0.01
ediff = 1e-08
encut = 400
prec = accurate
lreal = False
lwave = False
lcharg = False
ncore = 4
supercell_dimension: [2 2 2]
[vasp.*.kpoints.mesh] (*kspacing=0.2)
selfenergy: [8 8 8]*
transport: [8 8 8]*
el_bands: [8 8 8]*
phonopy: [2 2 2]*
phono3py: [2 2 2]*
phelel: [2 2 2]*
relax: [5 5 5]*
nac: [8 8 8]*
[vasp.*.kpoints_dense.mesh] (*kspacing_dense=0.1)
selfenergy: [17 17 17]*
transport: [17 17 17]*
el_bands: [17 17 17]*
Created new folder "calc".
Initial settings were written to "calc/velph.toml".
Found "POTCAR".
PAW_PBE Pb 08Apr2002
PAW_PBE Te 08Apr2002
Max ENMAX in "POTCAR" is 174.982.
"POTCAR" was copied to "calc/POTCAR".
Change directory to calc
% cd calc
version = "0.8.2"
supercell_dimension = [2, 2, 2]
amplitude = 0.03
diagonal = false
plusminus = true
fft_mesh = [30, 30, 30]
lwap = true
isym = 0
kpar = 2
ismear = 0
sigma = 0.01
ediff = 1e-08
encut = 400
prec = "accurate"
lreal = false
lwave = false
lcharg = false
ncore = 4
mesh = [2, 2, 2]
pe = "mpi* 48"
# ...
cell = "primitive"
lepsilon = true
ismear = 0
sigma = 0.01
ediff = 1e-08
encut = 400
prec = "accurate"
lreal = false
lwave = false
lcharg = false
mesh = [8, 8, 8]
# ...
NAC and phelel calculations,
% velph nac generate
VASP input files were made in "nac".
% cd nac && qsub && cd ..
% velph phelel init
Found "nac" directory. Read NAC params.
"phelel/phelel_disp.yaml" was generated.
VASP input files will be generated by "velph phelel generate".
% velph phelel generate
VASP input files were generated in "phelel/disp-000".
VASP input files were generated in "phelel/disp-001".
VASP input files were generated in "phelel/disp-002".
VASP input files were generated in "phelel/disp-003".
VASP input files were generated in "phelel/disp-004".
% for i in {000..004};do cd phelel/disp-$i; qsub; cd ../..;done
Using the VASP results of the phelel calculations, derivatives of properties
are computed using the phelel code. The results are stored in a newly created
file phelel/phelel_params.hdf5
. This process creates only
and is invoked by the following velph command:
% velph phelel differentiate
FFT mesh: [30 30 30].
Running finufft (eps=1.000e-06)...
Running finufft (eps=1.000e-06)...
"phelel/phelel_params.hdf5" has been made.
NAC parameters in phelel/phelel_params.hdf5
comes from
, i.e.,
NAC parameters are stored in
is created byvelph phelel init
.NAC data in
are transfered tophelel/phelel_params.hdf5
byvelph phelel differentiate
Therefore, nac
calculation has to exist in the initial step velph phelel init
. If the nac
calculation is performed after the supercell calculation,
velph phelel init
and velph phelel differentiate
have to be re-executed to
store the NAC parameters in phelel/phelel_params.hdf5